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Share in the Joy of Serving at Providence Park
“The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in the service of others.”
We are proud to have you walk alongside us and share in the joy of serving at Providence Park. We remain steadfast in our desire to ensure our friends who have experienced homelessness are supported, cared for and loved. Whether you are looking for opportunities to volunteer invidivdually, with your family or in a large group- we have opportunities for you to serve!

1. Support turning a house into a home!
Your donations will help us ensure that every new neighbor moves into a fully decorated and stocked home.
Many neighbors of Providence Park will arrive to their new home with little more than the clothes on their backs. Although they no longer face the hardships of living on the streets, they can find it difficult to look to a bright future when they do not have food, linens, towels or cleaning supplies to clean their new home.
As part of our housewarming process, we supply our new neighbors with a variety of necessities that most of us take for granted. Please donate to support welcoming our neighbors into their new home!
2. Create something.
Would you like to create an item that will welcome a neighbor into their home?
Please contact Errin Stanger at Errin@providenceparkhome.com to discuss your idea!
3. Participate in work day opportunities.
Want to volunteer for work day opportunities?
Please contact Errin Stanger at Errin@providenceparkhome.com to discuss your idea!
4. Individual serving opportunities are coming soon!
As we near the opening of Providence Park please look here for future opportunities. We are in need of:
- Mentors
- Prayer Partners
- Master gardeners
- Life Skills coaches
- And so much more!